Surcharge Schedule

All rates are exclusive of GST
Normal Operating Hours
Note: All public holidays are treated as a Sunday.
Monday to Friday – 6.30am to 4.00pm Not applicable
Outside Hours Charge

Note: Rates are applied as ‘ex-plant’ times and not ‘on-site’ times.
Ever-Ready Concrete reserves the right to charge “outside hour’s charges”.

Monday to Friday – 4.00pm to 6.00pm
Monday to Friday – 6.00pm to 8.00pm
Saturday – 7.00am to 11.00am

Saturday – 11.00am to 4.00pm


Note: Plant closed on a public holiday.

Price on application
Plant After Hours Service Fee
Note: Please ensure a minimum of 24hours’ notice is given.

Ever-Ready Concrete reserves the right to charge “Plant After Hours Service Fee”

Applies to any supply outside Normal
Operating Hours. Note: In addition
Outside Hours Charge will also apply.
Minimum of 24 hours’ notice
for all cancellations otherwise fee will
be charged regardless of supply.
$2,000 per event
Over 4 hours’
$500/hr or part
thereof (includes one plant, one
batcher and one truck.
Extra truck hire $125/hr with a
minimum charge of 4 hrs per event).
Excess Discharge Time

(Waiting Time)

Applies after first 60 minutes on site
. Normal Operating Hours
. Outside Normal Operating Hours
after 60 minutes
$3.00/minute after 60 minutes
Truck Standby Fee Applies outside Normal Operating
Hours when an order does not
proceed at the original booked time or
when delays occur in excess of one
Minimum Cartage A fee applies for a delivered load size
< 3m3 and is calculated on the
undelivered part of the load.
$30.00/undelivered m3
Cancellation Fee Applies when a pour is cancelled or
postponed more than 2 hours
, with
insufficient notice. The deadline for
notice is 3pm the previous working
(for pours < 75m3) $2750.00 (for pours > 75m3)
Manual Additions All manual additions. Price on Application
Sure-set Bronze
(2 ltr)
(3 ltr)
Small Aggregate Price on Application Price on Application
Plant Delay Fees Delays to the Ever

Ready Concrete
production process due to:
ges to the agreed starting
to the agreed
consumption rate;
Holding trucks on site in
excess of 60 minutes.
Not applicable
Pump Blow Back Description Not applicable
Administration Fee Printing of replacement invoices or delivery dockets. Not applicable
Concrete Testing Not provided by company. We
recommend Macquarie Geotech.
Not applicable
All Items Description Your Total:

Please note that all surcharges will be applied over and above rates charged for concrete.
All charges are subject to change without notice.

Delivery Notice – Special Mixes
For all special mixes not mentioned above a minimum of 72 hours’ notice is required prior to delivery.

Waterproof Concrete
Ever-Ready Concrete does not guarantee waterproofness or impermeability of concrete or any resultant structure when a specification calls for the inclusion into a mix of a permeability reducing admixture or water proof admixture treated concrete.
Minimum 72 hours’ notice is required prior to delivery.

Temperature Control
Ever-Ready Concrete does not guarantee the temperature of the concrete. For concrete that requires temperature control, the price will be subject to the requested specification and the process requirements to complete the pour.

Shrinkage Specification
Shrinkage specification is based on laboratory test results as per AS1012. Site testing could result in variations in test results of up to + -150 micro strain.

Contract Documents
Ever-Ready Concrete reserves the right to negotiate all conditions contained in any contract/agreement documentation and until such negotiations have taken place Ever-Ready Concrete Terms and Conditions of Sale, which have been included with this submission, will take precedence.

Payment Terms and GST
Cash sales – credit card details required prior to delivery;
Credit accounts – invoices mailed weekly with payment due 30 days from date of invoice.